Funny Prize Ideas Weight Loss Challenge

Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.

Weight Loss Reward Ideas

Someone once told me, "When it comes to weight loss, reward yourself early and reward yourself often!"

It's tough to keep your weight loss motivation going day after day, but being intentional about planning rewards along the way sure can help!

It's fun to have things to look forward to and it's great for keeping you on track! (Check out this post for some great weight loss trackers.)

The thing about weight loss rewards is that it has to feel special to you. Gardening is certainly not a reward for me, but setting aside a few hours to read a book is such a rare treat!

As you look over this list, think about what would be most motivating for you to work toward. These are all ideas that have worked for someone on their weight loss journey.

Some of the things on the list won't be realistic for you and some just won't feel like rewards at all. Choose the ones that work for you!

I'm a big believer in the 5 love languages so I've separated this list into those categories – gifts, acts of service, quality time, physical touch, and words of affirmation.

And if you're on a tight budget, don't miss the last category I added at the end of the post – free weight loss rewards that don't cost money.

Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.


This is the first category most people think of when they think of rewards – buying yourself something special! You can buy yourself something that will help you on your weight loss journey (like a fitness tracker), or just a splurge that you would enjoy (like flowers).

1. Buy a new workout outfit.

2. Buy yourself a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

3. Get a new pair of running, walking, or hiking shoes.

Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.

4. Buy a new water bottle.

5. Decorate a room in your house. Get a new piece of art for your living room, make one of your wedding photos into a canvas, or buy seasonal couch pillow covers.

6. Buy a new fitness tracker.

Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.

7. Go candle sniffing and get some seasonal scents for around your house.

8. Invest in a new purse or laptop bag.

9. Buy a new belt. After losing all that weight, chances are, you need it!

10. Make yourself a necklace. Use each bead or charm to represent a certain weight loss milestone for you.

11. Treat yourself to a healthy meal service like Hello Fresh or Blue Apron.

12. Save yourself a ton of time in your healthy meal prep by getting yourself a subscription to Once A Month Meals that gives you healthy meal plans, grocery lists, and directions for freezer cooking

Acts of Service

When you are used to doing so many things yourself, it can feel like such a luxury to have someone else step in and take care of some responsibilities for you! If you have a willing spouse or family who will jump in with some chores, that would be great to add to the list, too!

13. Hire a maid service to clean your house.

Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.

14. Buy sessions with a personal trainer.

15. Splurge to get your groceries delivered or use ClickList to let someone else do the shopping (Walmart offers free curbside pick-up!).

16. Get a babysitter and take a nap, read a book, or watch a movie.

17. Hire a landscaping service or local teenager to come and take care of the yard work – rake, mow, pull weeds, or shovel snow.

Quality Time

All of the activities below can be done with your spouse, your family, your best friend, or just yourself (if you are an introvert, that refueling time alone can be a beautiful thing!).

18. Go see a new movie.

19. Plan a staycation.

20. Look on Groupon for discount local activities like escape rooms, indoor skydiving, painting lessons, etc.

Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.

21. Plan a special vacation – a weekend cabin getaway, a beach day, or a ski retreat.

22. Learn a new sport. Ever thought about trying karate

23. Take music lessons. Have you always wanted to learn how to play the piano? Or rock out on the drums?

24. Take painting lessons. Unleash your inner van Gogh with a new skill.

25. Turn into a tourist for the day. Find a fun tourist town and explore. Take pictures, go on tours, and find crazy souvenirs.

26. Go to a concert. Get tickets to see your favorite band or enjoy a night relaxing listening to your local philharmonic.

27. Get tickets to a local sports game.

28. Plant a garden (or get a new flower, herb, or succulent for your current garden!).

29. Take a day off work.

30. Get a new book (or just borrow one from the library) and schedule an afternoon to read it on a blanket in a park or cuddled in fuzzy sweatpants on your couch.

Physical Touch

The activities I listed below are services you can pay for at a salon or spa, but if you want to enlist a friend, spouse, or family member to do them for you, that counts just as much and can sometimes be even more special!

31. Get a massage.

32. Get a pedicure.

33. Go to a salon for a new hairstyle (and the beautiful scalp massage that comes with it).

34. Get a manicure.

35. Get a facial.

36. Dye your hair.

Words of Affirmation

This is a tricky one when it comes to weight loss. There are a few things you can do for yourself here, but the biggest way to receive words of affirmation is to have a support system in your life (trusted friends and family members) that you actually talk to on your weight loss journey. Don't keep it to yourself!

37. Spend some time writing down the amazing things you've accomplished in detail. Don't just write "I lost 15 pounds." Get specific! Say things like, "I've

Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.

38. Plan a coffee date with a friend. Tell them about the struggles you've overcome and what you've accomplished.

39. As you lose weight, keep a notebook and write down the compliments people give you along the way. When you reach your milestone, take time to read over the words and intentionally try to believe they are true (that's easier said than done!).

Turn Your Weight Loss Into A Mission

Use your success as an opportunity to serve others.

40. Sponsor a child through Compassion International.

41. Donate a pound of food for each pound you lost to the local food bank.

42. Run a 5k and dedicate a kilometer to different people in your life, praying for them as you run or walk "their" mile.

Weight Loss Rewards That Don't Cost Money

I know that we often think we need to buy something to really treat yourself, but one of the most precious commodities we have is our time. Chances are you work hard, take care of others, and don't often take time to do something you truly love. Here is your chance! And it's a free weight loss reward that won't cost you a thing!

43. Give yourself a home spa day with a bubble bath, lotions, nail polish, etc. Use what you already have, but scheduling the time to pamper yourself still makes it special.

44. Spend time organizing your home. You know those areas that bug you around the house that you always tell yourself you'll get to later? Organize your medicine cabinet, get rid of all of that lid-less Tupperware, or go through your closet (and donate all of those clothes that are too big now!).

45. Ride your bike to the park and spend time enjoying the outdoors.

46. Spend a few hours gardening (if you enjoy it!).

Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.

47. Borrow a book from the library and read it in a relaxing place (a park, a hammock, your backyard, your couch).

48. Make a playlist of your favorite songs and sing/dance it out.

49. Plan a hike to a beautiful location like a lake or waterfall.

50. Put on some relaxing music or your favorite TV show in the background and do a puzzle.

51. Doing nothing. If you are always on the go, sometimes the greatest gift in the world can be a little bit of downtime. Schedule it in and treat yourself.

52. Go window shopping. Now, this one can be tricky! If window shopping just makes you want to buy things, don't do it! But it can be really fun to just wander around shops and explore what they have. My husband and I love to stop and take the time to sniff candles in stores!

53. Spend time on a hobby – scrapbooking, painting miniatures, taking pictures, knitting, or whatever you enjoy doing!

54. Have a family game night. Togetherness can be a great reward!

55. Find free live music. Check your newspaper or city events calendar and look for free concerts in the park, events at your library, or local artists playing in a coffee shop.

56. Don't forget about low-cost rewards like going to the Dollar Store and picking out a new candle, picture frame, or craft supplies.

What Are Your Favorite Weight Loss Rewards?

I want to hear from you!

What rewards motivate you to reach your weight loss milestones?

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Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.
Use these 50 Ideas For Non-Food Weight Loss Rewards to treat yourself without the calories for your successful milestones on your weight loss journey.


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